Home Fat Burn Workout (18 min) with Jimmy Outlaw
We all have a few kilos too much, don’t we?
At the very least, we often feel like we could feel a little more vitality if that stubborn fat pad melted a little bit.
That’s why today I have a fat burn workout for you to lose weight at home that will get your circulation going and can help you lose weight. The workout is suitable for beginners and offers you an ideal start on your journey to a healthier self.
It is important to me that you don’t just string together a few exercises, but – because I’m a Holistic Functional Trainer – train your body at the same time in such a way that it becomes stronger and more resilient in everyday situations. Strength, Endurance, Balance, Agility. We’ll put everything together and have a lot of fun doing it!
A lot of people want to lose weight, that’s for sure. But you can also benefit from many other advantages with systematic full-body training. You can strengthen your cardiovascular system and thus your health, move your joints to the full extent, which is particularly important with regard to prevention, and you can also get better at other sports.
My Fat Burn Workout is like a “weight loss +” workout that you can easily do at home in your own four walls without any equipment.
Unfortunately, these advantages are often lacking in conventional workouts, because large fitness portals live from the big headlines and that usually comes from high-intensity training with all kinds of complicated exercises. I want to show you another way to lose weight.
So let’s start straight away and put the turbo on for your goal of losing weight with fun, system and holistic training. Does that sound good to you?
Let’s go!
The fat burn workout for at home
Before you start, you should have the following things in place:
- Getting enough fluids (water or a sports drink)
- Comfortable sportswear
- A yoga/exercise mat
Put on shoes if you feel more comfortable. You achieve the full effect for the so important foot muscles, which straighten your body from the ground up, when you are barefoot. Since I know that many people are initially unfamiliar with training without shoes, I wear shoes in the Fat Burn Workout video.
For all exercises:
Don’t push yourself. Push your limits and push yourself to achieve maximum effect. But listen to your body. For example, if you’re having pain with an exercise due to a previous injury, only do it to the point where you don’t feel pain, pause, or do the previous exercise again.
We want to train WITH and FOR your body, not against it.
If you are looking for alternative exercises, you can also find them in one of my other workout videos. You are also welcome to contact me and train with others in personal training or in the boot camp – there I can respond 100% to you individually.
But enough talk! Let’s have fun and let’s rock and roll!
Warm Up
In this part we want to get your body up to operating temperature. This protects you from injuries and prepares your active and passive musculoskeletal system, as well as your cardiovascular system, for the upcoming stress.
In addition, we are now getting ourselves into the right mindset. So, full focus on warming up.
Shoulder rolls
Slowly begin to roll your shoulders so that we release tension in the neck and shoulder area.
Neck rotation
It is also important for the neck to mobilize it in a targeted manner.
Upper body twist
Now mobilize your thoracic spine, which is often restricted after sitting for a long time.
Diagonal toe touch
Now let’s move through the complete posterior chain with all its fascia and tendons.
Diagonal toe touch static
A holistic exercise to warm up your whole body and keep your joints healthy.
Hip Mobilization Alternating
Now we move through the largest joint of the body, which also needs some movement due to frequent sitting.
Toe tap + glute kick
Now get your cardiovascular system up to speed so that we can start the main part full of energy.
Main part
Now it is slowly but clearly becoming more intense.
We now do each exercise together for 40 seconds and then switch to the next exercise after a short breather. Remember, if an exercise is too strenuous, take a little longer break. It’s important that you stick with it. We can do it together!
Lung Triple Pulse (r)
Do three stationary lunges, then stand and bring your knee up. This provides strength and balance.
Plank to Diagonal Downdog Taps
Now strengthen your shoulders, arms and core with this exercise. Always alternately bring your left or right hand to your feet. In the plank position, keep your back straight and your core strong.
Lung Triple Pulse (l)
Do the first exercise again – only this time with the other leg.
Plank walks
Would you like a full body exercise? Here we go! Let’s always keep a nice active stance here in the plank position and then squat.
Triple Squat To Knee Raise Alternating
This should not be missing in any fat burn workout: do a squat, bounce once and then alternately bring your knees up. Keep your heels on the floor as you squat and maintain an upright back.
Fast Feet (in in / out out)
Now it’s time to get down to business. Fast tripping steps. In, out, in, out. Keep up!
Upper Back Extension To Arm Swing
Lie flat on the floor. Your arms are now going from the front to the back in a wide arc. Raise your head in one flowing movement.
Iron man
Same starting position as before. Raise your torso, turn your palms outward, then inward, and lower your torso back down. You can do it!
Kneeling Push Up To Diagonal Arm Leg Raise
Start on your knees and do push-ups. When you are back up, actively and with muscle tension extend one arm and the opposite leg away from you. Again, make sure your back is straight and your core is tight.
Elbow Plank To Leg Lift Alternating
Keep doing! We go into the plank, alternately lift one foot off the floor and put our knees down on the floor briefly and in a controlled manner. One rep done. It continues.
Mountain Climber – Slow Pace To Fast Pace
Core training for the fat burn effect: Support yourself with outstretched arms on the floor and alternately bring one knee forward. Pay attention to a controlled execution. You see how I always maintain a straight back. This is important so that we really train our abs with it. If in doubt, go a little slower, but clean.
Single Side Russian Twist (L)
Extend your legs, but don’t lock your knees completely. Your upper body is in a slight reserve. Now turn your upper body to the left, touch the floor with both hands and come back. Always stay upright for maximum effect.
Crab raise
Support yourself on your feet and hands. The front of your body is facing up. Now touch your left foot with your right hand. Of course it’s not that simple. To do this, you need to push your butt up and lift your leg. In this way we let the calories burn and your whole body is strengthened. You also build up balance.
Single Side Russian Twist (r)
You know this exercise from before. Perform them again in a controlled manner, only this time to the other side.
Mat Toe Taps Forward To Jogger Backward
Give it your all now! You have it in you, I know it!
Fast, short jumps forward, heels back. You’ve got it!
Cool Down
You managed! First of all, pat yourself on the back. That was great! How do you feel?
The cool down is important to quickly initiate regeneration processes in the body. This allows your body to improve. Because the actual training effect happens after the training.
Slower, flowing movements are suitable for cooling down after the fat burn workout. For example very light squats, shaking out, yoga poses or stretching exercises.
Don’t overdo it here.
After all, you’ve already done a lot in the main part.
Note: You will soon find more videos with great, relaxing exercises here on the website and on my YouTube channel.
What does the fat burn workout for beginners do to the body?
The intensive exercises have put a lot of strain on your body. Now he’s starting to recover. A number of processes are then initiated.
On the one hand, your cardiovascular system will now become more resilient. After all, your body wants to prepare itself to do something like this again – even if you certainly don’t want to do it right now. 😉
Your muscles also get the signal to get stronger now. You will therefore notice that after a few workouts there is significantly more strength. You’ll probably be surprised at how easy these exercises will eventually seem if you stick with them.
In addition, your circulation now stays more active for a few hours. As a result, you’ll also burn more calories post-workout than you would if you hadn’t exercised. This is the so-called “afterburn effect”.
Since, as a Holistic Functional Trainer, it is important to me to challenge your body holistically, your joints, tendons, ligaments and nervous system will now also be promoted. All these systems now also adapt to the stress just experienced. Your joints, for example, remain mobile in the long term and we avoid imbalances or poor posture.
Your nervous system, in turn, learns to perform complex full-body exercises in a coordinated and safe manner. This will make you safer and more effective in many everyday movements or in other sports.
Above all, we must not forget that you have just burned a lot of calories. This will help you lose weight, because a negative calorie balance is what matters most. If you burn more calories (through exercise, everyday exercise…) than you take in (through food and drink), then you lose weight.
Your body then takes this difference in calorie intake to burn calories from the stored body fat. Remember this during our next workout together when things get difficult. This will definitely give you a motivation boost.
What’s next?
After this intensive fat burn workout for beginners, more workouts are waiting for you on my YouTube channel. Some harder, some more relaxing. You decide where we meet next.
In order to reach your goal of losing weight even faster, intensive personal support is ideal. Just talk to me to find out everything about my personal training in Zurich. Or contact me to participate in one of my bootcamps. Not only do I push you there, but we train in a great group in a positive and energetic atmosphere.
I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Your Jimmy Outlaw